Plateau Jazz Band

Plateau Jazz Band
Click on the picture to hear us play

Friday, May 9, 2014

Sunday May 18 at the Live Oak Farmer's Market 10-12 noon

Hope to see you all on Sunday May 18 at the Live Oak Farmer's Market. We will be playing from 10-12 noon. This photo is another taken by Klyan, who does sound at the Trout Farm Inn in Zyante.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Plateau in Capitola at Open Streets

Come on down to Capitola Sunday May 4th, 2014 for the Open Streets event. We will be playing in the Mercantile Courtyard from 2-4pm (near Stockton and Cliff, kind of across from Mr. Toots).

The photo was taken at the Trout Farm Inn when we played there. Here is a link to a facebook sound clip taken at the same time by Kylan who runs the sound equipment there: