Plateau Jazz Band

Plateau Jazz Band
Click on the picture to hear us play

Saturday, June 23, 2018

June, July and August Dates

After our madcap end of June we are all busy doing other things in July, but will have a busy August....   Here is our calendar for the upcoming months:

June 23 1-3
Dance Jazz at the Food Lounge in Santa Cruz

June 24, 10-12noon
Santa Cruz Live Oak Farmers Market

June 24, 8-10 pm
The Swingset Lounge. Cover charge. Dance and lessons.

July 1, 6-8pm
Ella's at the Airport in Watsonville

August 5 6-8pm
Ella's at the Airport in Watsonville

August 10, 5:50-8pm
Bocci Cellars in Santa Cruz

August 26, 10-12noon
Santa Cruz Live Oak Farmers Market

September 14,  5:50-8pm
Bocci Cellars in Santa Cruz